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I strongly recommend North American Dealer Services as the right choice for an Auto Dealer/ Finance and Insurance Company partnership. I have known Terry Pfaff, Founder/CEO, N.A.D.S., since 1997. In 2014, Nourse Automotive Group, 15 rooftops, engaged in a partnership with N.A.D.S. involving one VSC product. The found income created was over $200,000 that year, above and beyond current existing F & I dollars. Our found, incremental income growth has been excellent 2014 to present. We have increased the Nourse suite of N.A.D.S. products from 1 VSC product to 3 VSC products.

Brent Dryden
General Manager of Nourse Automotive Group

Our Principles

1. We recruit, train, equip, & execute within our Dealer’s Stores.

2. If our Dealer Client personnel should temporarily fall, we train them to fall forward.

3. We are an unpaid integral Member of our Dealer Client Upper Level management team.

4. We are a Finance & Insurance Department Subject Matter Expert.

5. We must know our Dealer Client F&I Department better than our Dealer does.

6. We bring unit integrity & unity of command.

7. We teach low abstraction & guided-discovery. Telling is not selling; closing is asking the right question at the right time to the right person.

8. We Indoctrinate.

9. We live and die by the deals we make.

10. We forge dealer partnerships in such a way that we help our Dealers become Millionaires & Millionaires become Multi-Millionaires.